For investors

We are modernizing the whole legal field by creating a platform that streamlines and makes legal work profitable not only internally, but also in relation to the customers.

Why now?

  1. The pandemic forced the legal sector to change
  2. Due to the rapid availability of information and competition of attention, there’s no room for long and heavy processes or boredom
  3. Pressure to cut costs is at an all-time high
  4. Need for outsourcing

Risk-free business model

Our success is guaranteed by the risk-free and easily scalable business model. We buy the expertise from our lawyers and we only pay for the completed assignments.

Our goals

Number 1 Lawxperience

To become the leading provider of a seamless and exceptional legal experience, setting the standard for quality, convenience, and customer and employee satisfaction. By striving to achieve the goal of becoming the number one Lawxperience provider, we aim to revolutionize the legal industry and reshape how individuals access and experience legal services.

Leading law tech company in the Nordics

To establish and maintain a dominant position as the top law technology company in the Nordic region, recognized for innovation, excellence, and market leadership. By pursuing the goal of becoming the leading law tech company in the Nordics, we aim to drive digital transformation in the legal sector, empower legal professionals with advanced technology tools, and shape the future of legal services in the region.

What do we do?

  1. We provide a solution to the lawyer x customer interface, which enables the customers with easy use and fast personal legal help from anywhere and at any time
  2. We’re saving lawyer’s valuable time and reducing costs of the law firms
  3. We promise bullet proof assignments, make document drafting fast, boost risk management (by reducing errors) and improve performance

What does our customers say?

  • NPS 74
  • 83,3 % were very satisfied with the speed of the service

How about lawyers?

All our lawyers are super satisfied with the possibility to work on their own terms.

We also have more than 50 lawyers on our waiting list eager to join us!

Interested to Invest?

We finished our angel round in the spring of 2022 (read more about our investors here).

The next investment round is scheduled for end of 2023.

“With the help of the next round we will finance the finalization and scaling of the technology to the Nordic countries. With the experience gained from Silicon Valley, we also know how to conquer the USA market. In order to achieve real impact, we’ll make our solution available to all law firms worldwide”

If you want to hear more and be notified among the first when we start the next fundrase feel free to contact us here:

Lakihelppi vs Muut

Nopeus – Avun voi saada minuuteissa
Voit hoitaa lakiasiat etänä
Ilman ajanvarausta
Henkilökohtaisuus – Toimeksiannot ovat juristin hoitamat
Tiedät aina ennakkoon paljonko palvelu maksaa
Helppo lähestyä

Etkö löytänyt etsimääsi palvelua tai etkö tiedä mitä tarvitset?

Kerro meille ongelmasi ja juristimme vastaa sinulle tarjouspyynnöllä!



Lakihelppi tuo henkilökohtaisen lakiavun kaikkien saataville, ajasta ja paikasta riippumatta. Lakihelpin ansiosta asiakkaat voivat saada juristin apua helposti, edullisesti ja nopeasti ilman ajanvarausta. Palvelu yhdistää asiakkaan hänen tarpeisiinsa sopivaan juristiin, jotta asiakkaan ei tarvitse käyttää aikaa ja vaivaa lakiavun etsimiseen.