Mutual Will

Order a mutual will drafted by our lawyer online! At Lakihelppi you can get a mutual will in as little as ten minutes! We are not a contract machine, each document is always prepared by a lawyer. Answer a few questions from our lawyer and receive the mutual will in your email.

Easy, fast and at your convenience! 

Create a mutual will here! 

Mutual will drafted by a lawyer for only 200€.

Create a mutual will here

Even in 10 minutes!

What is a mutual will?

A mutual will is a joint will made by two individuals, which is often created to secure the position of one testator when the other passes away. Typically, a mutual will is made between spouses or partners, but siblings or friends can also create a mutual will together. Therefore, a mutual will can be used to take care of the other person.

Mutual Will price

200 €

Creating a mutual will

With Lakihelppi, you can create a mutual will remotely without scheduling an appointment. In our service, you first answer the lawyer’s questions, after which the lawyer drafts a mutual will for you and sends it to you via email. If any inconsistencies arise or if you have asked our lawyer any questions, they will contact you before sending the document.

Easy and fast!

Create a mutual will here

Even in 10 minutes!